I know it looks a bit like grits, but it really did taste good! If you like sweet corn, and it has no cream. This recipe comes from "The New Vegetarian Epicure" by Anna Thomas.
Ingredients: Serves 6-8.
9-10 freshly picked ears sweet corn (7 c kernels)
1 large sweet onion
1 large clove garlic
3 Tbsp butter
4 c milk (We used almond milk)
1 tsp salt, more to taste
Pepper to taste
Garnish: chopped chives or cilantro leaves
1. Husk and clean the corn, ad slice the kernels off into a big bowl with a sharp knife. Scrape the cobs to release as much juice as you can. You need at least 7 cups of corn kernels.
2. Chop the onion and garlic and cook them in 2 tbsp of butter until they are soft and golden, about 10 min. Combine the corn kernels, the onions and garlic, about about a cup of the milk, and puree in a blender in batches.
3. Combine the puree with the rest of the milk in a soup pot, add the salt and the remaining butter, and simmer for 15-20 min. Taste and correct the seasoning if needed.
4. The soup can be run through the blender again at this point if the texture feels too rough for you. For an absolutely silky texture you can go a step farther and press it all through a sieve, which will reduce the quantity a bit.
5. Serve the soup hot and sprinkle each serving with chopped chives or cilantro.
*In this recipe, we didn't have the garnish, and did not put the soup through a sieve. The soup was sweet and had a nice texture for chewing on.
wow this is so up-to-date! i'm impressed! :)